Source code for tdub.root

"""Module to work with ROOT-like objects."""

from __future__ import annotations

# external
from uproot.model import Model as ROOTModel
from uproot.behaviors.TH1 import Histogram as ROOTHistogram
import numpy as np

# tdub
from tdub.hist import bin_centers

[docs]class TGraphAsymmErrors: """Wrapper around uproot's interpretation of ROOT's TGraphAsymmErrors. Parameters ---------- root_object : uproot.model.Model Object from reading ROOT file with uproot. """ def __init__(self, root_object: ROOTModel) -> None: """Initialize from the ROOT object.""" self._root_object = root_object self._xlo = self._root_object.member("fEXlow") self._xhi = self._root_object.member("fEXhigh") self._ylo = self._root_object.member("fEYlow") self._yhi = self._root_object.member("fEYhigh") @property def xlo(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: X-axis low errors.""" return self._xlo @property def xhi(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: X-axis high errors.""" return self._xhi @property def ylo(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Y-axis low errors.""" return self._ylo @property def yhi(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Y-axis high errors.""" return self._yhi
[docs]class TH1: """Wrapper around uproot's interpretation of ROOT's TH1. This class interprets the histogram in a way that *ignores* under and overflow bins. We expect the treatment of those values to already be accounted for. Parameters ---------- root_object : uproot.behaviors.TH1.Histogram Object from reading ROOT file with uproot. """ def __init__(self, root_object: ROOTHistogram) -> None: """Initialize from the ROOT object.""" self._root_object = root_object self._counts = self._root_object.values(flow=False) self._errors = self._root_object.errors(flow=False) self._edges = self._root_object.axis(0).edges(flow=False) @property def counts(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Histogram bin counts.""" return self._counts @property def errors(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Histogram bin errors.""" return self._errors @property def edges(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Histogram bin edges.""" return self._edges @property def centers(self) -> np.ndarray: """:py:obj:`numpy.ndarray`: Histogram bin centers.""" return bin_centers(self.edges) @property def bin_width(self) -> float: """float: Width of a bin.""" return self._edges[1] - self._edges[0]