Source code for tdub.features

"""Module for selecting features."""

from __future__ import annotations

# stdlib
import copy
import gc
import logging
import os
import json
from pathlib import PosixPath

from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple

# externals
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# tdub
from tdub.frames import iterative_selection, drop_cols
from import quick_files, Region, selection_for
import tdub.config

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FeatureSelector: """A class to steer the steps of feature selection. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe which contains signal and background events; it should also only contain features we wish to test for (it is expected to be "clean" from non-kinematic information, like metadata and weights). weights : numpy.ndarray the weights array compatible with the dataframe importance_type : str the importance type ("gain" or "split") labels : numpy.ndarray array of labels compatible with the dataframe (``1`` for :math:`tW` and ``0`` for :math:`t\\bar{t}`. corr_threshold : float the threshold for excluding features based on correlations name : str, optional give the selector a name Attributes ---------- data : pandas.DataFrame the raw dataframe as fed to the class instance weights : numpy.ndarray the raw weights array compatible with the dataframe labels : numpy.ndarray the raw labels array compatible with the dataframe (we expect ``1`` for signal, :math:`tW`, and ``0`` for background, :math:`t\\bar{t}`). raw_features : list(str) the list of all features determined at initialization name : str, optional a name for the selector pipeline, required to save the result) corr_threshold : float the threshold for excluding features based on correlations default_clf_opts : dict the default arguments we initialize classifiers with. corr_matrix : pandas.DataFrame the raw correlation matrix for the features (requires calling the ``check_collinearity`` function) correlated : pandas.DataFrame a dataframe matching features that satisfy the correlation threshold importances : pandas.DataFrame the importances as determined by a vanilla GBDT (requires calling the ``check_importances`` function) candidates : list(str) list of candiate featurese (sorted by importance) as determined by calling the ``check_candidates`` iterative_remove_aucs : dict(str, float) a dictionary of the form ``{feature : auc}`` providing the AUC value for a BDT trained _without_ the feature given in the key. The keys are built from the ``candidates`` list. iterative_add_aucs : numpy.ndarray an array of AUC values built by iteratively adding the next best feature in the candidates list. (the first entry is calculated using only the top feature, the second entry uses the top 2 features, and so on). Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) """ def __init__( self, df: pd.DataFrame, labels: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, importance_type: str = "gain", corr_threshold: float = 0.85, name: str | None = None, ) -> None: assert np.unique(labels).shape[0] == 2, "labels should have 2 unique values" assert ( labels.shape == weights.shape ), "labels and weights must have identical shape" assert corr_threshold < 1.0, "corr_threshold must be less than 1.0" assert ( df.shape[0] == weights.shape[0] ), "df and weights must have the same number of entries" # hidden behind properties self._df = df self._weights = weights self._labels = labels self._raw_features = df.columns.to_list() # completely hidden self._nsig = self._labels[self._labels == 1].shape[0] self._nbkg = self._labels[self._labels == 0].shape[0] self._scale_pos_weight = self._nbkg / self._nsig # self._sow_sig = np.sum(self._weights[self._labels == 1]) # self._sow_bkg = np.sum(self._weights[self._labels == 0]) # self._weights[self._labels == 1] *= self._sow_bkg / self._sow_sig # self._weights *= len(self._weights) / np.sum(self._weights) # public attributes = name self.corr_threshold = corr_threshold self.default_clf_opts = dict( boosting_type="gbdt", importance_type=importance_type, learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=200, num_leaves=100, max_depth=5, ) # Calculated later by some member functions # we hide these behind properties self._corr_matrix = None self._correlated = None self._importances = None self._candidates = None self._iterative_remove_aucs = None self._iterative_add_aucs = None self._model_params = None @property def df(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._df @property def weights(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._weights @property def labels(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._labels @property def raw_features(self) -> list[str]: return self._raw_features @property def corr_matrix(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._corr_matrix @property def correlated(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._correlated @property def importances(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._importances @property def candidates(self) -> list[str]: return self._candidates @property def iterative_add_aucs(self) -> list[str]: return self._iterative_add_aucs @property def model_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return self._model_params
[docs] def check_for_uniques(self, and_drop: bool = True) -> None: """Check the dataframe for features that have a single unique value. Parameters ---------- and_drop : bool If ``True``, and_drop any unique columns. Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) """"starting check_for_uniques step") uqcounts = pd.DataFrame(self.df.nunique()).T to_drop = [] for col in uqcounts.columns: if uqcounts[col].to_numpy()[0] == 1: to_drop.append(col) if not to_drop:"we didn't find any features with single unique values") if to_drop and and_drop: for d in to_drop: f"dropping {d} because it's a feature with a single unique value" ) self._df.drop(columns=to_drop, inplace=True)
[docs] def check_collinearity(self, threshold: float | None = None) -> None: """Calculate the correlations of the features. Given a correlation threshold this will construct a list of features that should be dropped based on the correlation values. This also adds a new property to the instance. If the ``threshold`` argument is not None then the class instance's ``corr_threshold`` property is updated. Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional Override the existing correlations threshold. Examples -------- Overriding the exclusion threshold: >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.corr_threshold 0.90 >>> fs.check_collinearity(threshold=0.85) >>> fs.corr_threshold 0.85 """"starting check_collinearity step") if threshold is not None: self.corr_threshold = threshold"calculating correlations") self._corr_matrix = self.df.corr() uptri = np.triu(np.ones(self.corr_matrix.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool) uptri = self.corr_matrix.where(uptri)"testing correlations above threshold: {self.corr_threshold}") dropcols = [ c for c in uptri.columns if any(uptri[c].abs() > self.corr_threshold) ]"found {len(dropcols)} features with correlations above threshold") self._correlated = pd.DataFrame(columns=["drop_this", "because", "coeff"]) for col in dropcols: above_threshold = uptri[col].abs() > self.corr_threshold other_features = list(uptri.index[above_threshold]) coeffs = list(uptri[col][above_threshold]) this_col = [col for _ in range(len(other_features))] self._correlated.append( pd.DataFrame( dict(drop_this=this_col, because=other_features, coeff=coeffs) ) )"correlations now calculated")
[docs] def check_importances( self, extra_clf_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, extra_fit_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, n_fits: int = 5, test_size: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """Train vanilla GBDT to calculate feature importance. some default options are used for the :py:class:`lightgbm.LGBMClassifier` instance and fit (see implementation); you can provide extras via function some arguments. Parameters ---------- extra_clf_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:class:`lightgbm.LGBMClassifier`. extra_fit_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:func:``. n_fits : int number of models to fit to determine importances test_size : float forwarded to :py:func:`sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split` Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.check_collinearity() >>> fs.check_importances(extra_fit_opts=dict(verbose=40, early_stopping_round=15)) """ import lightgbm as lgbm"starting check_importances step") clf_opts = copy.deepcopy(self.default_clf_opts) if extra_clf_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_clf_opts.items(): clf_opts[k] = v"Classifier is configured with parameters:") model = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(**clf_opts) self._model_params = copy.deepcopy(model.get_params()) for k, v in model.get_params().items(): if v is not None:"{k:>20} | {v:<12}") del model importance_counter = np.zeros(len(self.raw_features))"starting importance testing training iterations") for i in range(1, n_fits + 1):"iteration {i}/{n_fits}") model = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(**clf_opts) train_df, test_df, train_y, test_y, train_w, test_w = train_test_split( self.df, self.labels, self.weights, shuffle=True, test_size=test_size, random_state=(i * tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE), ) fit_opts = dict( eval_metric="auc", eval_set=[(test_df, test_y)], eval_sample_weight=[test_w], early_stopping_rounds=10, verbose=20, ) if extra_fit_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_fit_opts: fit_opts[k] = v, train_y, sample_weight=train_w, **fit_opts) importance_counter += model.feature_importances_ gc.enable() del train_df, test_df, train_y, test_y, train_w, test_w gc.collect() self._importances = pd.DataFrame( dict(feature=self.raw_features, importance=(importance_counter / n_fits)) ) self._importances.sort_values("importance", ascending=False, inplace=True) self._importances.reset_index(inplace=True)
[docs] def check_candidates(self, n: int = 20) -> None: """Get the top uncorrelated features. This will parse the correlations and most important features and build a list of ordered important features. When a feature that should be dropped due to a collinear feature is found, we ensure that the more important member of the pair is included in the resulting list and drop the other member of the pair. This will populate the ``candidates`` attribute for the class. Parameters ---------- n : int the total number of features to retrieve Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.check_collinearity() >>> fs.check_importances(extra_fit_opts=dict(verbose=40, early_stopping_round=15)) >>> fs.check_candidates(n=25) """"starting check_candidates step") if self._correlated is None: log.error("correlations are not calculated; call check_collinearity()") return None if self._importances is None: log.error( "feature importances are not calculated; call check_importances()" ) return None"checking for top {n} candidates") drop_because_corr = self.correlated.drop_this.to_list() features_ordered = self.importances.feature.to_list() n_top, exclude = [], [] raw_top_n = features_ordered[:n] for f in raw_top_n: if f not in drop_because_corr: n_top.append(f) continue f"{f} is in the top {n}; but correlations say drop it; closer look:" ) dropped_df = self.correlations.query("drop == '{f}'") for corr_feat in dropped_df.because.to_list(): if corr_feat not in drop_because_corr:"{corr_feat} will be kept without swap") if features_ordered.index(f) < features_ordered.index(corr_feat):"{corr_feat} to be replaced with {f}") n_top.append(f) exclude.append(corr_feat) for f in exclude: if f in n_top: n_top.remove(f) temp_dict = {f: None for f in n_top} self._candidates = list(temp_dict.keys())
[docs] def check_iterative_remove_aucs( self, max_features: int | None = None, extra_clf_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, extra_fit_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Calculate the aucs iteratively removing one feature at a time. After calling the check_candidates function we have a good sete of candidate features; this function will train vanilla BDTs one at a time removing one of the candidate features. We rank the feature based on how impactful its removal is. Parameters ---------- max_features : int the maximum number of features to allow to be checked. default will be the length of the ``candidates`` list. extra_clf_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:class:`lightgbm.LGBMClassifier`. extra_fit_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:func:``. Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.check_collinearity() >>> fs.check_importances(extra_fit_opts=dict(verbose=40, early_stopping_round=15)) >>> fs.check_candidates(n=25) >>> fs.check_iterative_remove_aucs(max_features=20) """ import lightgbm as lgbm"Starting check_iterative_remove_aucs step") if self._candidates is None: log.error("candidates are not calculated; call check_candidates()") return None if max_features is None: max_features = len(self.candidates) train_df, test_df, train_y, test_y, train_w, test_w = train_test_split( self.df[self.candidates], self.labels, self.weights, test_size=0.33, random_state=tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE, shuffle=True, ) clf_opts = copy.deepcopy(self.default_clf_opts) if extra_clf_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_clf_opts.items(): clf_opts[k] = v"Classifier is configured with parameters:") for k, v in clf_opts.items():"{k:>20} | {v:<12}") self._iterative_remove_aucs = {} for i, candidate in enumerate(self.candidates):"removing {candidate} and training a BDT") copy_of_candidates = copy.deepcopy(self.candidates[:max_features]) copy_of_candidates.remove(candidate) assert len(copy_of_candidates) == len(self.candidates[:max_features]) - 1"iteration {i}/{max_features}") ifeatures = copy_of_candidates itrain_df = train_df[copy_of_candidates] itest_df = test_df[copy_of_candidates] model = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(**clf_opts) fit_opts = dict( eval_metric="auc", eval_set=[(itest_df, test_y)], eval_sample_weight=[test_w], early_stopping_rounds=15, verbose=20, ) if extra_fit_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_fit_opts: fit_opts[k] = v, train_y, sample_weight=train_w, **fit_opts) self._iterative_remove_aucs[candidate] = model.best_score_["valid_0"]["auc"] gc.enable() del ifeatures, itrain_df, itest_df gc.collect() # sort by value (AUC) self._iterative_remove_aucs = { k: v for k, v in sorted( self._iterative_remove_aucs.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] ) } for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self._iterative_remove_aucs.items()):"without rank {i}, {k}, AUC is {v}") self._candidates = list(self._iterative_remove_aucs.keys())
[docs] def check_iterative_add_aucs( self, max_features: int | None = None, extra_clf_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, extra_fit_opts: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: """Calculate aucs iteratively adding the next best feature. After calling the check_candidates function we have a good set of candidate features; this function will train vanilla BDTs iteratively including one more feater at a time starting with the most important. Parameters ---------- max_features : int the maximum number of features to allow to be checked. default will be the length of the ``candidates`` list. extra_clf_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:class:`lightgbm.LGBMClassifier`. extra_fit_opts : dict extra arguments forwarded to :py:func:``. Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.check_collinearity() >>> fs.check_importances(extra_fit_opts=dict(verbose=40, early_stopping_round=15)) >>> fs.check_candidates(n=25) >>> fs.check_iterative_add_aucs(max_features=20) """ import lightgbm as lgbm"starting check_iterative_add_aucs step") if self._candidates is None: log.error("candidates are not calculated; call check_candidates()") return None if max_features is None: max_features = len(self.candidates) train_df, test_df, train_y, test_y, train_w, test_w = train_test_split( self.df[self.candidates], self.labels, self.weights, test_size=0.33, random_state=tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE, shuffle=True, ) clf_opts = copy.deepcopy(self.default_clf_opts) if extra_clf_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_clf_opts.items(): clf_opts[k] = v"Classifier is configured with parameters:") for k, v in clf_opts.items():"{k:>20} | {v:<12}") self._iterative_add_aucs = [] for i in range(1, max_features + 1):"iteration {i}/{max_features}") ifeatures = self.candidates[:i] itrain_df = train_df[ifeatures] itest_df = test_df[ifeatures] model = lgbm.LGBMClassifier(**clf_opts) fit_opts = dict( eval_metric="auc", eval_set=[(itest_df, test_y)], eval_sample_weight=[test_w], early_stopping_rounds=15, verbose=20, ) if extra_fit_opts is not None: for k, v in extra_fit_opts: fit_opts[k] = v, train_y, sample_weight=train_w, **fit_opts) self._iterative_add_aucs.append(model.best_score_["valid_0"]["auc"]) gc.enable() del ifeatures, itrain_df, itest_df gc.collect() self._iterative_add_aucs = np.array(self._iterative_add_aucs)
[docs] def save_result(self) -> None: """Save the results to a directory. Parameters ---------- output_dir : str or os.PathLike the directory to save relevant results to Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import FeatureSelector, prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") >>> fs = FeatureSelector(df=df, labels=labels, weights=weights, corr_threshold=0.90) >>> fs.check_for_uniques(and_drop=True) >>> fs.check_collinearity() >>> fs.check_importances(extra_fit_opts=dict(verbose=40, early_stopping_round=15)) >>> fs.check_candidates(n=25) >>> fs.check_iterative_add_aucs(max_features=20) >>> = "2j1b_DR" >>> fs.save_result() """ if is None: raise ValueError("name attribute cannot be None to save result") outdir = PosixPath(f"fsel_result.{}") try: outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError: log.warn(f"{outdir} already exists; contents will be overwritten") out_raw_aucs = outdir / "raw_aucs.txt" out_raw_tf = outdir / "raw_top_features.txt" out_params = outdir / "model_params.json" with"w") as f2w: np.savetxt(f2w, self.iterative_add_aucs, fmt="%.10f") with"w") as f2w: f2w.write("\n".join(self.candidates)) f2w.write("\n") with"w") as f2w: json.dump(self.model_params, f2w, indent=4)
[docs]def create_parquet_files( qf_dir: str | os.PathLike, out_dir: str | os.PathLike | None = None, entrysteps: Any | None = None, use_campaign_weight: bool = False, ) -> None: """Create slimmed and selected parquet files from ROOT files. this function requires pyarrow_. .. _pyarrow: Parameters ---------- qf_dir : str or os.PathLike directory to run :py:func:`` out_dir : str or os.PathLike, optional directory to save output files entrysteps : any, optional entrysteps option forwarded to :py:func:`tdub.frames.iterative_selection` use_campaign_weight : bool multiply the nominal weight by the campaign weight. this is potentially necessary if the samples were prepared without the campaign weight included in the product which forms the nominal weight Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import create_parquet_files >>> create_parquet_files("/path/to/root/files", "/path/to/pq/output", entrysteps="250 MB") """ indir = str(PosixPath(qf_dir).resolve()) qf = quick_files(indir) if out_dir is None: out_dir = PosixPath(".") else: out_dir = PosixPath(out_dir) out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if entrysteps is None: entrysteps = "1 GB" for r in ("1j1b", "2j1b", "2j2b"): always_drop = ["eta_met", "bdt_response"] if r == "1j1b": always_drop.append("minimaxmbl") for sample in ("tW_DR", "tW_DS", "ttbar"):"preparing to save a {sample} {r} parquet file using the files:") for f in qf[sample]:" - {f}") df = iterative_selection( qf[sample], selection_for(r), keep_category="kinematics", concat=True, entrysteps=entrysteps, use_campaign_weight=use_campaign_weight, ) df.drop_cols(*always_drop) df.drop_avoid(region=r) if r == "1j1b": df.drop_jet2() outname = str(out_dir / f"{sample}_{r}.parquet") df.to_parquet(outname, engine="pyarrow")"{outname} saved")
[docs]def prepare_from_parquet( data_dir: str | os.PathLike, region: str | Region, nlo_method: str = "DR", ttbar_frac: str | float | None = None, weight_mean: float | None = None, weight_scale: float | None = None, scale_sum_weights: bool = True, test_case_size: int | None = None, ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Prepare feature selection data from parquet files. this function requires pyarrow_. .. _pyarrow: Parameters ---------- data_dir : str or os.PathLike directory where the parquet files live region : str or the region where we're going to select features nlo_method : str the :math:`tW` sample (``DR`` or ``DS``) ttbar_frac : str or float, optional if not ``None``, this is the fraction of :math:`t\\bar{t}` events to use, "auto" (the default) uses some sensible defaults to fit in memory: 0.70 for 2j2b and 0.60 for 2j1b. weight_mean : float, optional scale all weights such that the mean weight is this value. Cannot be used with ``weight_scale``. weight_scale : float, optional value to scale all weights by, cannot be used with ``weight_mean``. scale_sum_weights : bool scale sum of weights of signal to be sum of weights of background test_case_size : int, optional if we want to perform a quick test, we use a subset of the data, for ``test_case_size=N`` we use ``N`` events from both signal and background. Cannot be used with ``ttbar_frac``. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame the dataframe which contains kinematic features numpy.ndarray the labels array for the events numpy.ndarray the weights array for the events Examples -------- >>> from tdub.features import prepare_from_parquet >>> df, labels, weights = prepare_from_parquet("/path/to/pq/output", "2j1b", "DR") """ if weight_scale is not None and weight_mean is not None: raise ValueError("weight_scale and weight_mean cannot be used together") if ttbar_frac is not None and test_case_size is not None: raise ValueError("ttbar_frac and test_case_size cannot be used together") data_path = PosixPath(data_dir) if not data_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError(f"{data_dir} doesn't exist") sig_file = str(data_path / f"tW_{nlo_method}_{region}.parquet") bkg_file = str(data_path / f"ttbar_{region}.parquet") sig = pd.read_parquet(sig_file, engine="pyarrow") bkg = pd.read_parquet(bkg_file, engine="pyarrow")"sig file loaded: {sig_file}")"bkg file loaded: {bkg_file}") sig_wsys_cols = [c for c in sig.columns.to_list() if "weight_sys" in c] bkg_wsys_cols = [c for c in bkg.columns.to_list() if "weight_sys" in c] drop_cols(sig, *sig_wsys_cols) drop_cols(sig, *bkg_wsys_cols) for c in sig.columns.to_list(): if c not in bkg.columns.to_list(): log.warn(f"{c} not in bkg") for c in bkg.columns.to_list(): if c not in sig.columns.to_list(): log.warn(f"{c} not in sig") if ttbar_frac is not None: if ttbar_frac == "auto": if region == "2j2b": ttbar_frac = 0.70 elif region == "2j1b": ttbar_frac = 0.60 elif region == "1j1b": ttbar_frac = 1.00 if ttbar_frac < 1:"sampling a fraction ({ttbar_frac}) of the background") bkg = bkg.sample(frac=ttbar_frac, random_state=tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE) if test_case_size is not None: if test_case_size > 5000: log.warn("why bother with test_case_size > 5000?") sig = sig.sample(n=test_case_size, random_state=tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE) bkg = bkg.sample(n=test_case_size, random_state=tdub.config.RANDOM_STATE) sig_weights = sig.pop("weight_nominal").to_numpy() bkg_weights = bkg.pop("weight_nominal").to_numpy() sig_weights[sig_weights < 0] = 0.0 bkg_weights[bkg_weights < 0] = 0.0 if scale_sum_weights: sig_weights *= bkg_weights.sum() / sig_weights.sum() if "weight_campaign" in sig: drop_cols(sig, "weight_campaign") if "weight_campaign" in bkg: drop_cols(bkg, "weight_campaign") sig_labels = np.ones_like(sig_weights) bkg_labels = np.zeros_like(bkg_weights) df = pd.concat([sig, bkg]) labels = np.concatenate([sig_labels, bkg_labels]) weights = np.concatenate([sig_weights, bkg_weights]) gc.enable() del sig, bkg, sig_labels, bkg_labels, sig_weights, bkg_weights gc.collect() if weight_scale is not None: weights *= weight_scale if weight_mean is not None: weights *= weight_mean * len(weights) / np.sum(weights) return df, labels, weights