Source code for

"""Art creation utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

# stdlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Optional, List, Union
import logging

# external
import matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# tdub
import tdub.config
import tdub.hist
import tdub.root
from tdub.hist import SystematicComparison, bin_centers

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def adjust_figure(
    fig: plt.Figure,
    left: float = 0.125,
    bottom: float = 0.095,
    right: float = 0.965,
    top: float = 0.95,
) -> None:
    """Adjust a matplotlib Figure with nice defaults."""

[docs]def legend_last_to_first(ax: plt.Axes, **kwargs): """Move the last element of the legend to first. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Matplotlib axes to create a legend on. kwargs : dict Arguments passed to :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend`. """ if ax.get_legend() is None: ax.legend() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles.insert(0, handles.pop()) labels.insert(0, labels.pop()) ax.legend(handles, labels, **kwargs)
[docs]def draw_atlas_label( ax: plt.Axes, follow: str = "Internal", cme_and_lumi: bool = True, extra_lines: list[str] | None = None, cme: int | float = 13, lumi: float = 139, x: float = 0.040, y: float = 0.905, follow_shift: float = 0.17, s1: int = 18, s2: int = 14, thesis: bool = False, ) -> None: """Draw the ATLAS label text, with extra lines if desired. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes to draw the text on. follow : str Text to follow the ATLAS label (usually 'Internal'). extra_lines : list(str), optional Set of extra lines to draw below ATLAS label. cme : int or float Center-of-mass energy. lumi : int or float Integrated luminosity of the data. x : float `x`-location of the text. y : float `y`-location of the text. follow_shift : float `x`-shift of the text following the ATLAS label. s1 : int Size of the main label. s2 : int Size of the extra text thesis : bool Flag for is thesis """ if thesis: ax.text( x, y, "D. Davis Thesis", fontstyle="italic", fontweight="bold", transform=ax.transAxes, size=s1, ) else: ax.text( x, y, "ATLAS", fontstyle="italic", fontweight="bold", transform=ax.transAxes, size=s1, ) if follow: ax.text(x + follow_shift, y, follow, transform=ax.transAxes, size=s1) if cme_and_lumi: exlines = [f"$\\sqrt{{s}}$ = {cme} TeV, $L = {lumi}$ fb$^{{-1}}$"] else: exlines = [] if extra_lines is not None: exlines += extra_lines for i, exline in enumerate(exlines): ax.text(x, y - (i + 1) * 0.08, exline, transform=ax.transAxes, size=s2)
[docs]def draw_uncertainty_bands( uncertainty: tdub.root.TGraphAsymmErrors, total_mc: tdub.root.TH1, ax: plt.Axes, axr: plt.Axes, label: str = "Uncertainty", edgecolor: str | int = "mediumblue", zero_threshold: float = 0.25, ) -> None: """Draw uncertainty bands on both axes in stack plot with a ratio. Parameters ---------- uncertainty : tdub.root.TGraphAsymmErrors ROOT TGraphAsymmErrors with full systematic uncertainty. total_mc : tdub.root.TH1 ROOT TH1 providing the full Monte Carlo prediction. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Main axis (where histogram stack is painted) axr : matplotlib.axes.Axes Ratio axis label : str Legend label for the uncertainty. zero_threshold : float When total MC events are below threshold, zero contents and error. """ lo = np.hstack([uncertainty.ylo, uncertainty.ylo[-1]]) hi = np.hstack([uncertainty.yhi, uncertainty.yhi[-1]]) mc = np.hstack([total_mc.counts, total_mc.counts[-1]]) ratio_y1 = 1 - (lo / mc) ratio_y2 = 1 + (hi / mc) set_to_zero = mc < zero_threshold lo[set_to_zero] = 0.0 hi[set_to_zero] = 0.0 mc[set_to_zero] = 0.0 ratio_y1[set_to_zero] = 0.0 ratio_y2[set_to_zero] = 0.0 ax.fill_between( x=total_mc.edges, y1=(mc - lo), y2=(mc + hi), step="post", facecolor="none", hatch="////", edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=0.0, label=label, zorder=50, ) axr.fill_between( x=total_mc.edges, y1=ratio_y1, y2=ratio_y2, step="post", facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0.33), linewidth=0.0, label=label, zorder=50, )
[docs]def canvas_from_counts( counts: dict[str, np.ndarray], errors: dict[str, np.ndarray], bin_edges: np.ndarray, uncertainty: tdub.root.TGraphAsymmErrors | None = None, total_mc: tdub.root.TH1 | None = None, logy: bool = False, mpl_triplet: Any | None = None, combine_minor: bool = True, **subplots_kw, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes, plt.Axes]: """Create a plot canvas given a dictionary of counts and bin edges. The ``counts`` and ``errors`` dictionaries are expected to have the following keys: - `"Data"` - `"tW_DR"` or `"tW"` - `"ttbar"` - `"Zjets"` - `"Diboson"` - `"MCNP"` Parameters ---------- counts : dict(str, np.ndarray) a dictionary pairing samples to bin counts. errors : dict(str, np.ndarray) a dictionray pairing samples to bin count errors. bin_edges : array_like the histogram bin edges. uncertainty : tdub.root.TGraphAsymmErrors Uncertainty (TGraphAsym). total_mc : tdub.root.TH1 Total MC histogram (TH1D). logy : bool Use log scale on y-axis. mpl_triplet : (plt.Figure, plt.Axes, plt.Axes), optional Existing matplotlib triplet. combine_minor : bool Combine minor backgrounds into a single contribution (Zjets, Diboson, and MCNP will be labeled "Minor Backgrounds"). subplots_kw : dict remaining keyword arguments passed to :py:func:`matplotlib.pyplot.subplots`. Returns ------- :py:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure. :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes for the histogram stack. :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes for the ratio comparison. """ tW_name = "tW_DR" if tW_name not in counts.keys(): tW_name = "tW" centers = tdub.hist.bin_centers(bin_edges) start, stop = bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1] mc_counts = np.zeros_like(centers, dtype=np.float32) mc_errs = np.zeros_like(centers, dtype=np.float32) for key in counts.keys(): if key != "Data": mc_counts += counts[key] mc_errs += errors[key] ** 2 mc_errs = np.sqrt(mc_errs) ratio = counts["Data"] / mc_counts ratio_err = np.sqrt( counts["Data"] / (mc_counts ** 2) + np.power(counts["Data"] * mc_errs / (mc_counts ** 2), 2) ) if mpl_triplet is None: fig, (ax, axr) = plt.subplots( 2, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=[3.25, 1], hspace=0.025), **subplots_kw, ) else: fig, ax, axr = mpl_triplet ax.errorbar( centers, counts["Data"], yerr=errors["Data"], label="Data", fmt="ko", zorder=999 ) # colors = ["#9467bd", "#2ca02c", "#ff7f0e", "#d62728", "#1f77b4"] if combine_minor: colors = ["#ff7f0e", "#9d0000", "#1f77b4"] labels = ["Minor Backgrounds", "$t\\bar{t}$", "$tW$"] weights = [ np.sum([counts[b] for b in ["Zjets", "Diboson", "MCNP"]], axis=0), counts["ttbar"], counts[tW_name], ] else: colors = ["#9467bd", "#2ca02c", "#ff7f0e", "#9d0000", "#1f77b4"] labels = ["Non-prompt", "Diboson", "$Z$+jets", "$t\\bar{t}$", "$tW$"] weights = [ counts["MCNP"], counts["Diboson"], counts["Zjets"], counts["ttbar"], counts[tW_name], ] ax.hist( [centers for _ in labels], bins=bin_edges, weights=weights, histtype="stepfilled", stacked=True, label=labels, color=colors, ) axr.plot([start, stop], [1.0, 1.0], color="gray", linestyle="solid", marker=None) axr.errorbar(centers, ratio, yerr=ratio_err, fmt="ko", zorder=999) axr.set_ylim([0.8, 1.2]) axr.set_yticks([0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1]) if uncertainty is not None and total_mc is not None: draw_uncertainty_bands(uncertainty, total_mc, ax, axr) axr.set_xlim([bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]]) ax.set_xlim([bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1]]) max_data = np.amax(counts["Data"]) if logy: ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylim([5, max_data * 100]) else: ax.set_ylim([0, max_data * 1.70]) return fig, ax, axr
[docs]def draw_impact_barh( ax: plt.Axes, df: pd.DataFrame, hi_color: str = "steelblue", lo_color: str = "mediumturquoise", height_fill: float = 0.8, height_line: float = 0.8, ) -> tuple[plt.Axes, plt.Axes]: """Draw the impact plot. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes for the "delta mu" impact. df : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing impact information. hi_color : str Up variation color. lo_color : str Down variation color. height_fill : float Height for the filled bars (post-fit). height_line : float Height for the line (unfilled) bars (pre-fit). Returns ------- matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes for the impact: "delta mu". matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes for the nuisance parameter pull. """ ys = np.array(df.ys) ax.barh( ys, df.pre_down.abs(), height=height_line, left=df.pre_down_lefts, fill=False, edgecolor=lo_color, zorder=5, label=r"Prefit $\theta=\hat{\theta}-\Delta\theta$", ) ax.barh( ys, df.pre_up.abs(), height=height_line, left=df.pre_up_lefts, fill=False, edgecolor=hi_color, zorder=5, label=r"Prefit $\theta=\hat{\theta}+\Delta\theta$", ) ax.barh( ys, df.post_down.abs(), height=height_fill, left=df.post_down_lefts, fill=True, color=lo_color, zorder=6, label=r"Postfit $\theta=\hat{\theta}-\Delta\theta$", ) ax.barh( ys, df.post_up.abs(), height=height_fill, left=df.post_up_lefts, fill=True, color=hi_color, zorder=6, label=r"Postfit $\theta=\hat{\theta}+\Delta\theta$", ) xlims = float(np.amax([np.abs(df.pre_down), np.abs(df.pre_up)]) * 1.25) if xlims > 0.25: xlims = 0.24 ax.set_xlim([-xlims, xlims]) ax.set_yticks(ys) ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.errorbar( df.central, ys, xerr=[np.abs(df.sig_lo), df.sig_hi], fmt="ko", zorder=999, label="Nuisance Parameter Pull", ) ax2.set_xlim([-1.8, 1.8]) ax2.plot([-1, -1], [-0.5, ys[-1] + 0.5], ls="--", color="black") ax2.plot([1, 1], [-0.5, ys[-1] + 0.5], ls="--", color="black") ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("top") return ax, ax2
[docs]def one_sided_comparison_plot( nominal: np.ndarray, one_up: np.ndarray, edges: np.ndarray, thesis: bool = False, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes, plt.Axes]: r"""Create plot for one sided systematic comparison. Parameters ---------- nominal : numpy.ndarray Nominal histogram bin counts. one_up : numpy.ndarray One :math:`\sigma` up variation. edges : numpy.ndarray Array defining bin edges. thesis : bool Label for thesis figure. Returns ------- :py:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure. :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes for the histograms. :py:obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes for the percent difference comparison. """ c = SystematicComparison.one_sided(nominal, one_up) centers = bin_centers(edges) fig, (ax, axr) = plt.subplots( 2, 1, sharex=True, gridspec_kw=dict(height_ratios=[3.25, 1], hspace=0.025) ) ax.hist( centers, bins=edges, weights=c.up, color="red", histtype="step", label=r"$+1\sigma$ Variation", ) ax.hist( centers, bins=edges, weights=c.down, color="blue", histtype="step", label=r"$-1\sigma$ Variation", ) ax.hist( centers, bins=edges, weights=c.nominal, color="black", histtype="step", label="Nominal", ) ymax = c.template_max * 1.6 ax.set_ylim([0, ymax]) ax.set_ylabel("Number of Events", horizontalalignment="right", y=1.0) ax.legend() axr.hist( centers, bins=edges, weights=c.percent_diff_up, color="red", histtype="step" ) axr.hist( centers, bins=edges, weights=c.percent_diff_down, color="blue", histtype="step" ) axr.set_ylim([c.percent_diff_min * 1.25, c.percent_diff_max * 1.25]) axr.set_xlim([edges[0], edges[-1]]) axr.plot(edges, np.zeros_like(edges), ls="-", lw=1.5, c="black") axr.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{\mathrm{Sys.} - \mathrm{Nom.}}{\mathrm{Sys.}}$ [%]") axr.set_xlabel("BDT Response", horizontalalignment="right", x=1.0) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) draw_atlas_label(ax, follow="Simulation Internal", follow_shift=0.17, thesis=thesis) return fig, ax, axr
[docs]def setup_tdub_style() -> None: """Modify matplotlib's rcParams to our preference.""" matplotlib.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = [ "Helvetica", "helvetica", "Nimbus Sans L", "FreeSans", ] matplotlib.rcParams["axes.formatter.limits"] = [-4, 4] matplotlib.rcParams["axes.formatter.use_mathtext"] = True matplotlib.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 16 matplotlib.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6.5, 6.0) matplotlib.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "white" matplotlib.rcParams["figure.subplot.left"] = 0.12 matplotlib.rcParams["figure.subplot.bottom"] = 0.1 matplotlib.rcParams["figure.subplot.right"] = 0.965 matplotlib.rcParams[""] = 0.95 matplotlib.rcParams["figure.max_open_warning"] = 500 matplotlib.rcParams["font.size"] = 12 matplotlib.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = False matplotlib.rcParams["legend.numpoints"] = 1 matplotlib.rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 13 matplotlib.rcParams["legend.handlelength"] = 1.5 matplotlib.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 1 matplotlib.rcParams[""] = True matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.right"] = True matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.direction"] = "in" matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = "in" matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 14 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 14 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.minor.visible"] = True matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.minor.visible"] = True matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.major.width"] = 0.8 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.minor.width"] = 0.8 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 7.5 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.minor.size"] = 4.5 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.major.pad"] = 4.0 matplotlib.rcParams["xtick.minor.pad"] = 3.7 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.major.width"] = 0.9 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.minor.width"] = 0.9 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.major.size"] = 7.5 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.minor.size"] = 4.5 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.major.pad"] = 3.9 matplotlib.rcParams["ytick.minor.pad"] = 3.6